Release log October 30, 2021 - Mobile App | Itefy
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Release log October 30, 2021 - Mobile App

New features

  • Added notifications to the mobile app.
  • Reservation list, with filtering options (upcoming, ongoing, past and uncompleted).
  • Ability to create reservations.
  • Ability to display reservation details.
  • Ability to edit reservation details.
  • Ability to create checkout or event directly from a reservation, or mark a reservation as completed.
  • New item picker (used when creating new reservations, checkouts, issues, etc.) with the ability to scan multiple QR labels at once to select multiple items.
  • New user picker to select i.e. primary person responsible, check out items on behalf of other users etc.
  • New location picker to select i.e. a location to reserve an item to.
  • Ability to list all checkouts for all items, with filtering options (recent and overdue).
  • Create a new checkout, with the ability to add multiple items to a checkout. You can effectively scan multiple QR labels in one operation or search and select items. Also, add a due date and time, and be notified if items are not checked in before it's due.
  • Display a checkout, info, and status of it.
  • Check-in items, with an option to partially check-in only selected items.
  • List all issues for all items, with filtering options (open, ongoing, closed, and assigned to you).
  • Create new issues, with a deadline and auto-change the condition of selected items.
  • Display issue details, changelog, and add comments.
  • Edit issue details, or delete the entire issue.
  • Change the status of issues between open, in progress, and closed. Also the ability to re-open an issue.
  • List all condition changes for all items, with filtering options (all, operative, inoperative), and tap to display details for each record.
  • Event listing for all events (services, maintenance, tasks etc.) with all items.
  • Display event details.
  • Create and edit events, with the ability to add multiple items to one event, select date and time range (duration), on behalf of another user, and event location.
  • Ability to delete an event.
  • List all inventory changes for all items where inventory is enabled. Filtering options (all, add, adjust and pick).
  • Location change log for all items.
  • Location listing with item statistics for each location (number of items, percentage of total number of items, and the total items value at each locations).
  • Ability to add, edit and delete locations.
  • Display detailed item information (shortcut from item page); name, unique id, type, primary person responsible, home location, acquisition and expiration date, acquisition and salvage value.
  • List item videos (linked to YouTube) and play them directly from the item page.
  • List and download/show files/attachments directly to your phone. You can also upload files from your phone, with the ability to select multiple files in one operation.
  • From each item display page, access to listings of checkouts, condition changes, location changes, reservations, events, and issues for that item only.
  • When creating a checkout, reservation, event, or issue directly from an item display page, that item is auto-applied. But you also have the ability to add other items as well.


  • The dashboard is improved with shortcuts to all new sections and reflects the new structure of the web app.
  • Improved QR scanner for scanning QR code labels (i.e. to enter items in the app by scanning a QR label).
  • Improved search result/listing of items, with color-coded status symbols for availability, condition, and current inventory amount.
  • Improved function for adding new items, with new fields: Select type (with new type picker), unique id, improved picture picker (select a picture on your phone, or take a new photo with the phone's camera), and optional information like acquisition and expiration date, acquisition and salvage value in the selected currency (chosen for the account), primary person responsible, home location, and the ability to multiply items (i.e. MacBook 001, MacBook 002, MacBook 003, etc.)
  • Improved item display page, with color-coded status symbols and information for availability, condition, and current location. Shortcuts to detailed item info, pictures, video, files/attachments, QR code, checkout/checkin, checkout listings, change condition, condition changelog, change location, location changelog, create a reservation, list reservations, add and list events, and add and list issues.
  • Improved picture gallery for an item, with the ability to upload multiple pictures in one operation, or take a picture with your phone's camera. Also, select which picture should be used as the main image (in the item listing).
  • Improved QR code feature. The QR code is now generated directly on the phone (it was previously downloaded from a server), which makes it faster. Ability to assign a new QR label by simply just scanning the new label. If the QR label is already used by another item, you are notified and it will not be used for other items.


  • Renamed the mobile app to Itefy Go, to reflect its intention.