The tools for Optimal Equipment Management
Feature packed equipment management software at your fingertips, yet easy to use.
Here is an overview of the features available in Itefy.
Feature packed equipment management software at your fingertips, yet easy to use.
Here is an overview of the features available in Itefy.
The complete equipment management system, always available on any modern computer or tablet. No installation needed, just use your favorite internet browser.
Find equipment by keywords, type, filters, locations, availability etc.
Keep track of the specifications of each item, by adding make, model, dimensions, identification information, or basically any kind of properties.
For each item, all items in total, and for each location.
Make equipment information for selected items available online.
Bundle together items into one kit container, to handle reservations, checkouts, location changes etc. in one go.
Track inventory status of disposables.
Assign the main responsibility for different equipment to different users.
Define where each equipment item belongs when idle.
Multiple similar items can be added in one operation, and receives an increment number. I.e. MacBook 001, MacBook 002 etc.
Attach documents, pictures and link YouTube videos (training etc.) to each item.
Generate and print QR code labels, attach to the equipment and assign with the mobile app.
Export a list of all your items either as an Excel file (.xlsx) or an CSV. It also contains each item's unique Itefy ID, that can be used to create QR code labels with label printer software for i.e. Brother and DYMO.
List reservations and filter by status, or show all reservations in a visual calendar by month, week or day.
Save time and limit the amount of reservations by adding all the equipment needed in one reservation.
Itefys double booking avoidance system makes sure that equipment reservations don't overlap.
For periodic events, like maintenance, licence renewals, refills etc., you can create repeating reservations.
Create reservations on behalf of another user. The user will be notified about its responsibility for the new reservation.
Keep track of where an event the reservation is ment for, is taking place.
Convert a reservation info a checkout. All information, including a reference to the reservation record, is copied to the checkout.
Convert a reservation info an eent. All information, including a reference to the reservation record, is copied to the event.
Be notified when an expired reservation has not been completed. A list of uncompleted reservations is also easily available on the dashboard.
Separate comment threads for each reservation makes schedule collaboration easy.
List checkouts and filter by status, or show all checkouts in a visual calendar by month, week or day.
Check out multiple items in the same checkout.
An equipment manager can check out one or more items on behalf of another user. The user will be notified.
Keep track of what locations equipment is being used at when checking them out.
Convert a reservation into a checkout. All reservation information is automatically copied to the checkout.
Set a due time on when equipment should be checked in. Users responsible for the equipment and checkout will be notified if checkins are overdue.
On checkouts with multiple items, you don't have to check in all items at once. Check in different equipment at different times on the same checkout.
Be notified when equipment checkouts are overdue. A list over overdue checkouts is easily available on the dashboard.
Separate comment threads for each checkout.
Change and track the current condition of each equipment item, and get statistics of how well your equipment is performing.
When equipment breaks, users can report the issue by creating an issue ticket. Multiple items can be added in one ticket. Users responsible for the equipment will be notified, and can follow up to make sure problems are resolved quickly.
A user can be assigned a the primary person that is responsible for resolving the issue, and is notified when an issue ticket is created.
Limit the time damaged equipment is idle and unfixed by setting a deadline on when equipment should be fixed. Overdue issues are listed on the dashboard.
All users can collaborate on the resolving of issues, and can add comments to each issue ticket.
Keep track of how well your equipment is performing by getting stats and trends on uptime and the number of issues.
On equipment that are consumables, like disposables, construction materials, inventory can be enabled. Users can then pick and add inventory on the go, and keep track of the inventory status.
Users that are assigned as the primary person responsible for each inventory item will be notified when the inventory amount reaches a pre-defined low threshold. Low inventory equipment is also listed in the dashboard.
See the latest location changes both on the dashboard and a dedicated location changes listings page.
Get statistics for each location on the amount of equipment and the combined monetary equipment value on each location.
Log equipment maintenance by description, time, expenses etc. Get a full overview of all the events on a dedicated event listings page.
If the person performing the event is not able to log it, another user can do it on its behalf instead.
Add one or more custom tags to events to categorize different types of events, like for instance Oil change, Refill, Annual check etc.
Separate comment threads for each event enables collaboration and ability to easily add additional information.
The amount of information we're constantly exposed to, can be overwhelming. That's why we strive to notify each user with information only relevant to them.
You will neither be bombarded with notifications on your phone, nor will you have to check into Itefy constantly for new notifications. If you have unread notifications, we will email you a summary of all unread notifications.
Quick access to common tasks.
Usage statistics, equipment health statistics and performance overview.
Upcoming reservations, recent activity, overdue checkouts, location changes, current issues etc.
Every equipment item has its own dashboard with key information, like availability, condition and current location.
The dashboard will provide you with a quick and easy overview of the most recent activity, vital statistics and issues that needs your attention.
Each module (checkouts, reservations, issues etc.) has its own listing with relevant filtering and sorting options where you'll get the activity for all your equipment.
Each equipment item page has its own activity listing just for that item, with relevant filtering and sorting options for each module.
Scan QR code labels on your equipment with your smartphone or tablet, using Itefy Go - our task centered mobile app for iOS and Android phones. Create reservations, check out items, resolve issues, change location and more. Installation optional - get started just using your mobile internet browser.
QR code labels that are generated in Itefy, can be assigned to new items just by scanning them with the mobile app.
Find an equipment item in the mobile app in a matter of seconds by just scanning a QR label attached to the equipment.
When creating reservations, checkouts etc., simply scan the QR code on each item to add them.
It's a no-touch operation - the items are added immediately once the QR code is recognised. All items are added in literally a matter of seconds.
You don't have to sit in front of your computer to add items.
Add the equipment where the equipment is, use the camera on your phone to take pictures and add them directly into your equipment database in Itefy - all with your phone.
Show details about the item; unique id, type, primary person responsible, home location, acquisition and expiration date, and acquisition and salvage value.
Upload and open equipment documents and other attachments.
Watch instructional videos and similar, attached to the item with the web app.
Quickly find an item on the app on another phone by scanning the QR code shown in the app on the phone where the item page is opened.
See if and when your equipment is reserved, both upcoming, ongoing and past reservations. You can also see if any reservations are uncompleted.
Reserve equipment on the go, and do changes to existing reservations.
Add multiple items in a single reservation. You can either search for and select items from a list, or scan a QR label on each item you want to add.
Create reservations on behalf of other users.
Select the location where the reservation is about to take place.
Create a checkout directly from a reservation. All reservation information is copied to the checkout. The relation between the reservation and the checkout is saved.
You can register an event such as a maintenance, periodic control or other tasks directly from a reservation. All information in the reservation is copied to the event. The relation between the reservation and the event is saved.
Mark reservations as complete, and be notified if there are expired uncompleted reservations.
The item listing shows if an item is available or in use. You can open the current checkout to get details on when, by who, what and where the item is in use, and when it is due to be checked in.
Check out multiple items in the same checkout.
An equipment manager can check out one or more items on behalf of another user. The user will be notified.
Keep track of what locations equipment is being used at when checking them out.
Convert a reservation into a checkout. All reservation information is automatically copied to the checkout.
Set a due time on when equipment should be checked in. Users responsible for the equipment and checkout will be notified if checkins are overdue.
On checkouts with multiple items, you don't have to check in all items at once. Check in different equipment at different times on the same checkout.
Be notified when equipment checkouts are overdue. A list over overdue checkouts is easily available on the dashboard.
List equipment issues, either open (new), ongoing and closed (fixed). Also, list just issues where you're assigned as primary person responsible.
When equipment breaks, users can report the issue by creating an issue ticket. Multiple items can be added in one ticket. Users responsible for the equipment will be notified, and can follow up to make sure problems are resolved quickly.
A user can be assigned a the primary person that is responsible for resolving the issue, and is notified when an issue ticket is created.
Limit the time damaged equipment is idle and unfixed by setting a deadline on when equipment should be fixed. Overdue issues are listed on the dashboard.
All users can collaborate on the resolving of issues, and can add comments to each issue ticket.
Change the condition status of items to either operative (default), inoperative or discarded. Inoperative or discarded items cannot be checked out.
List all condition changes to all items, or a single item (from the item page).
Get a full overview of all the events on a dedicated event listings page, or all events for a single item.
Add events with start end end date & time, name and description, location and the user responsible for the event.
If the person performing the event is not able to log it, another user can do it on its behalf instead.
Add a location where the event took place, if relevant.
Event details can be edited, i.e. if you want to add more details later on.
Pick, add and adjust inventory on the go.
See all inventory changes for all items, or for a single item only.
Register location changes for your equipment. New locations can be added in the same operation as changing the location, if the location is not already present.
See the latest location changes both on the dashboard and a dedicated location changes listings page.
Get statistics for each location on the amount of equipment and the combined monetary equipment value on each location.
Add, edit and delete unlimited amount of locations.
Give equipment users access to your Itefy account, and enable self-service on checkouts, reservations, issue reporting etc.
Customize access for each user, and even set different permissions for the web app and mobile app. Select between pre-defined permission setups, and customize from there.
If you manage multiple Itefy accounts, you only have to log in with one user, and have instant access to all your accounts.
As a cloud service, Itefy is always available as long as you're connected to the Internet. We use the best server providers to ensure maximal uptime and security. And we upgrade Itefy so you don't have to.
We build Itefy with cutting edge web technology, which ensures that Itefy will run flawlessly on any modern laptop, desktop PC, tablet and mobile device.
We strive to limit our environmental footprint, but creating efficient software that requires as little server capacity as possible. We also run our software service on the most power efficient ARM64 architecture.