Our goals for winter and spring 2022 | Itefy

Our goals for the winter and spring of 2022

New features and improvements, better onboarding and tutorials and more segment targeting. There are our goals for the first half of 2022.

As you might have noticed, in the last weeks we have released some substantial updates to both our web app, a brand new mobile app, improved help pages (still in progress), and a few updates to our website as well. This forms a great basis for new features and improvements, and we have a long list of things we want to make happen in the next few months.

New features and improvements

We constantly get requests for new features and improvements from our customers, which is greatly appreciated. However, we try prioritizing features that gain the most users first, in addition to improving functionality that we know either can be confusing or somehow just needs to be dealt with.

Some features are pretty straightforward and easy to implement, while others need more work. Some of the improvements and features we are planning to release during the next 6 months are (un-sorted):

  • Visual calendars for reservations, checkouts, events, and issues.
    Completed for reservations and checkouts, December 2021
  • Tags: Ability to add tags to reservations, checkouts, events, and issues.
    Completed for events, March 2022
  • Comments: Expand comments (that is already available for issue tickets) to reservations, checkouts, and events as well. Also, add an ability to post pictures along with comments.
    Completed for issues, October 2021, and events, checkouts and reservations, March 2022
  • Pictures and attachments: Expand the ability to add pictures and attachments to reservations, checkouts, events, and issues as well.
  • User management: Improve user management, and add a function for batch adding multiple users at once.
  • QR code labels: Improve the workflow of creating and printing QR labels.
  • Reports: Ability to generate and export periodic (monthly to begin with) reports with i.e. per user equipment usage, per location equipment storage, etc. We are still figuring out how to design and structure this feature so that it can be expanded without having to redesign it several times (which is both confusing for users, and unnecessarily time-consuming for us).

We cannot guarantee that all of these new features and improvements have been released within the summer of 2022. Also, there might be other features and improvements that turn up that we'll need to prioritize first. However, these are the plans.


Trial status and onboarding task list

About a week ago, we released a new trial status dashboard widget to our web app. The main feature of the widget is a task list that makes it easier and more engaging to get to know Itefy and the solutions it offers. Each task has a short description and how-to, and once you have performed a task, it is checked and the task list progress bar goes forward one more step.

We already see positive results in our trial signups in the way that more of the features are explored during the trial.

We will continue to make onboarding easier for new (and existing) customers, by creating more tutorials, sending out helpful emails with tips and tricks, and constantly improving our help center.

Segment targeting

When creating a new Itefy account today, a set of generic sample data is added to the account in order to more easily see how it works (it's easy to replace the sample data with your own). However, the sample data is quite general and does not apply 100% to anyone. That is something we want to change.

When creating a trial account from our signup page, we have already added a dropdown box to select a category or segment that your business or organization fits into. The categories are based on the industries that most of our customers and trials fit into already. If none of the options fits, you can enter your segment to give us a hint on what to add next. We will also add the same dropdown when creating accounts from My Account (for existing users).

Next, we will use the selected segment to add more relevant sample data to new trial accounts, and also preset some default settings according to what's relevant for that segment.

It also opens up new possibilities to offer much more relevant tutorials for each industry or segment.

Content and marketing

Without revealing our entire marketing strategy, we can at least say that we're working on improving the content of our website as well. During the next months, you will see more blog posts, more tutorials, improved help pages, and more content targeted directly to certain industries. We have begun collaborating with professional content writers in order to step up the quality of the content as well and are really looking forward to publishing it in the next months.

2022, here we come

In conclusion, we're really excited about the future and our plans for the first half of 2022. We're looking forward to keeping in touch with, and offering a great equipment management platform to both our existing customers and new customers.

We wish all our users and readers a happy new year!
