A look at 2020, and what's up for 2021 | Itefy

A look at 2020, and what's up for 2021

2020 has been, as for most, a strange year. However, we have managed to move Itefy a few steps further, and have made some exiting plans for 2021 as well.

In 2020, we managed to release the ability for customized, repeating appointments, and notifications were also implemented. Our website also got a nice facelift, along with a release log, to move periodic updates away from the blog and into a more relevant format.

We also released new features and improvement that we had not planned for by the beginning of the year, but was based on feedback from our customers. Like the ability to make items public, which is convenient for easy distribution of documentation, conformity declarations, instructional videos, and more.

What about 2021?

Although we don't want to reveal all of our plans for 2021, there are a few things we are working on already. The most noticeable is a complete redesign of the dashboard. It will contain more structured information and give a total picture of how your equipment assets are doing.

We are also making checkouts, reservations, issues, and events more flexible by making it possible to add multiple items at once. You will for example be able to check out multiple items in one checkout.

There will also be a tighter connection between reservations, checkouts, issues, and events - making it easier to connect the dots.

Other updates, new features, and changes are in progress or at least in planning as well, and we will keep publishing information about releases both here in the blog and in the release log.

Have a great 2021!
