Updates October 2018 | Itefy

Updates October 2018

October has passed already, and we have released some new features.

During October, we have been working on a few new features and improvements, and this is what we have released:

Issue management

With the new issue manager, you can track all issues, assign them to one or more people in your organisation and get a full overview of how issues where solved.

Register a new equipment issue

When creating a new issue, you can change the items condition to inoperative in the same operation.

Add and assign to issue

Add one or more people to the issue cas. One or more people can be assigned to fix the issue.

Issue chat

Follow the issue progress, and add updates and comments along the way.

Close issue

When the issue is solved, you can close the case but still se the complete log of the issue resolvement.

Event management

Track all events of your equipment, like purchase time, services and other important events.

Both issues and events are now a part of the activity overview, released in August. In addition, Issues has its own tab, just like Locations.

What's next?

I addition to improvements and bug fixes, we will during the next weeks be working on:

  • Permissions. Itefy is a multi user platform, and different users have different tasks. As Itefy grows with more and more funtionality, it is important both for security and simplicity to be able to limit each users access to just the functionality one is ment use.
  • The Android/iOS app. We need to add the new features to the mobile app as well, and there will be some improvements and new features there too, like adding items through the app.
  • A long-awaited update/refreshment of our website. It important for us to both present all the new features and improvements we have released since the last website update. We also want to show how Itefy can be used in different applications, and create a more both selling and educational website.

