Quick item status dashboard widget and more | Itefy

Quick item status dashboard widget and more

Location tracking, app internationalization and quick item status - these are the new features in our latest update.

Quick item status

Equipment availability, location and condition

On each item page you will now easily see the current status of the asset:

  • Is the asset/equipment available or in use?
  • If it's in use, who is using it?
  • It available, who was the last person to use it?
  • How long time since it was checked in or checked out?
  • Where is it?
  • Who made the last change of location?
  • When was the last change of location?
  • What's the condition of the asset?
  • Who changed the condition?
  • When did its condition change?

Location tracking

You can now add locations to your Itefy account. For each item you can set a individual home location, and each location change is being tracked with new location, time and who performed the change. More features is being added continuously.

iOS and Android App languages

In our first releases of our mobile app, the interface was just in English. We have now added language support, and phone language is detected and selected automatically. The first two app languages are Norwegian and Polish, in addition to English.
