Condition status | Itefy

Condition status

Condition status on the dashboard

The last items where the condition where changed to either inoperative or discarded is available on the dashboard. From there you can also go to the full list of either inoperative or discarded items. On the dashboard you'll also get statistics on how many item (pct) that are operative, and also a graph showing opertive items over time.

List operative, inoperative or discarded items only

Go to the item search/listing page, either from the main menu (Items > Find items) or on the dashboard shortcut menu (List items). If the search and filtering menu is not present to the left, click Search to the upper left. The search and filtering menu will appear.

Then, click on Condition, and check the statuses you want to list items for, then click Search. The condition filter can also be combined with other filtering options as well.

Status in search results

The current item status of each item can be shown in its own column in the search result, indepent from selected filters. At the search page, click the  icon to the left in the horizontal bar above the search result. Then, check the Condition checkbox.