Notifications | Itefy


Itefy will generate notifications for every user when there is something that need special attention. Whenever you have unread notifications, the bell icon  will have a red dot attached to it.

To see the notifications, click the  icon, and all your notifications will be overlayed on the current page. In other words, you will not change page when clicking on the notifications icon. The most recent unread notification will be at the top.

Each notification has some options:

  • Action: Most notifications have an action button that will lead you to what the notification is all about. For instance, if a notification is about an overdue checkout, the action button will open the actual checkout so that you can follow up the checkout.
  • Mark read: When you have read a notification, click Mark read to mark it as read.
  • Delete: Read notifications can be deleted. Click delete to remove the notification.

Over all the notifications, you have 3 action icons as well:

  • : refresh the notification list.
  • : Mark all unread notifications as read.
  •  : Close the notifications list

If you have unread notifications for a longer period of time (depending on its urgency), you will be emailed the notifications. Notifications that are marked read within a relatively short period of time (minutes or a few hours, depending on the type on notification) are not sent by email.