Delete reservations | Itefy

Delete reservations

One-time reservations

  1. Go to the reservation listing page; Select Reservations from the main menu, then List reservations.
  2. Click the  icon and select Edit reservation.
  3. Click the Delete button in the left lower corner, and confirm to permanently delete the reservation.

Recurring reservations

Delete one appointment without removing the entire recurring reservation series

  1. Go to the reservation listing page; Select Reservations from the main menu, then List reservations.
  2. Click the  icon and select Edit reservation.
  3. When asked what you want to edit, select Just this one (dates only)
  4. Click the Delete button in the left lower corner, and confirm to permanently delete the reservation.

Delete an entire recurring series

  1. Go to the reservation listing page; Select Reservations from the main menu, then List reservations.
  2. Click the  icon and select Edit reservation.
  3. When asked what you want to edit, select The entire series
  4. Click the Delete button in the left lower corner, and confirm to permanently delete the all the appointments that belongs to that recurring reservation.