Display item | Itefy

Display item

There are 2 ways to open the item page in the Itefy Go app:

The item page is divided in different sections:

Name, type and picture

In addition, there is a  icon in the lower right corner of the main picture. Tap this icon to select another picture as the main item picture.

Info bar


Tap the info icon to display:

  • Name
  • Unique ID
  • Type
  • Primary Person Responsible (PPR)
  • Home location
  • Acquisition date
  • Expriation date
  • Acquisition value
  • Salvage value

The information is not editable in the Itefy Go app. Please use the web app to edit this information.


Display and add pictures to the item.

More on adding pictures to a item



If videos are added to the item, the can be played by tapping the video button.

Videos can only be added in the web app.



List, download and upload attachments such as documentation, manuals etc. connected to the item.

More on managing item attachments


 QR code

Display item QR code, for instance if you want to display the same item on another phone.

This is also where you can assign new/blank QR labels to an item.


Status and tasks

Availability and checkouts

Shows if the item is available or in use (checked out). If the item is both not in use and operative, you will be able to check out the item by tapping the Check out button. If the item is checked out, you will be able to check it in by tapping the Check in button. If the item condition is on Operative, you will not be able to check out the item.

You can list all the checkouts for this item by tapping the List checkouts button.


Shows if the item is either operative, inoperative or discarded. Tap the Change condition button to change the condition of this item. To see the condition changelog, tap the List changes button right under the Change condition button.


Shows the current location of the item. To change location, tap the Change location button. To list the location changelog for this item, tap the List changes button right under the Change location button.


To book this item, tap the Create reservation button. To list all reservations for this item, tap the List reservations button.

Events (maintenance)

To log an event (i.e. maintenance), tap the Create event button. To list all events for this item, tap the List events button.


To create an issue ticket for this item, tap the Add issue button. To list all issue records that includes this item, tap the List issues button.