Public items | Itefy

Public items

If you rent out machines and other equipment, you can now make documentation, declarations, instructional videos, and other information easily available just by adding a label with a unique QR code on each machine.

How to make an item public

  1. Add the equipment to Itefy with the information that you want your customers to access.
  2. After the equipment is added, you can add all kinds of information, like who is responsible for the item, where its home location is, and so on. You can also add attachments like documentation, user manuals, declarations of conformity etc., pictures and videos (for instance instructional videos).
  3. Select item settings, and enable public item. This item will now have a unique web address that you can give to your customer, either by email, text message, or even better, convert to a QR code printed on a label sticker that you can attach to the equipment itself.

Customization and internationalization

If you use Itefy for more than just giving customers access to documents, declarations, and training (like schedulingcheck-outs, location tracking, or other stuff), you might want to limit what information to make available for customers.

You can customize the public items settings; Select Settings  from the main menu, then Account. Then, select the Public items tab.

Here, you can add some general information that will appear on the public item page. You can also change what information that should be available on the public item pages, and even change the section name (i.e. you want to translate it to another language). The sections are:

  • About
  • Primary person responsible
  • Home location
  • Current location
  • Attachments
  • Videos

You may also change whoch section should be opened by default.

Create QR labels to stick on your equipment for easy access

We recommend creating unique QR labels that you attach to each machine you rent out. This way, your customers can scan the QR code with the web browser on their phone, and will immediately have access to all the information you have made public for that item.

The easiest way to create QR labels is to use a label printer. These printers come with software where you can usually import CSV- or Excel files with the names of the equipment and the unique web address (URL) for each of them.

Export equipment list to CSV or Excel

With Itefy, you can export your entire search result (all the items, if relevant) to an Excel or CSV file. This file can be imported into software such as DYMO ID or equivalent, and converted into unique labels with for instance the equipment name and the corresponding QR code for the public web address (URL).